Sublimation from scratch, but not only - API.PL trains entrepreneurs.

On April 10th of this year, the first workshops from the Academy of Decoration Technologies 2.0 series took place, which is a training program organized by API.PL for 4 years now – this time in a new, improved format and with expanded content.


During the first session, participants had the opportunity to learn about the sublimation printing process both theoretically and practically. The meeting began with an explanation of the sublimation process, including its principles and best practices for printing using this method. Our experts also provided specific tips to help students eliminate common issues encountered with this printing technology. The session also emphasized practical examples of applications, from printing on textiles and mugs to printed keyboards.

In the practical part of the workshop, participants were shown the operation of two small office sublimation printers, the Epson Sure Color SC-F100 and F500. These machines are ideal tools for home sublimation enthusiasts and small business owners relying on this technology. The larger Epson Sure Color SC-F6400 was also showcased. Using these printers, participants printed patterns on paper, which they then transferred onto samples such as mugs, mousepads, and - a new addition to our store - panels for cushion production.

The hands-on learning experience of sublimation printing also provided an excellent opportunity for participants to ask API.PL specialists about any questions or concerns they had. One of API's main missions is to share knowledge and experience among printing practitioners, who, through interaction with a diverse clientele, have encountered various challenges in this and other printing areas.

The sublimation workshops were just the first in a series of meetings within the Academy of Decoration Technologies 2.0. The next sessions will take place on May 17-18, focusing on flex and flock films, including cutting, printing, and heat pressing, offering many possibilities for textile decoration enthusiasts and beyond. Registrations will soon be available on the website. We warmly welcome everyone interested in learning how to practically utilize flex and flock films in their business.

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