TRADE FAIRS | 30 November 2023

Professional Development and Training: Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at PSI

From January 9th to 11th, leading experts in advertising and sales from around the world will share their knowledge and experiences at the PSI Forum. Current business issues will be addressed intensively, from a practical standpoint and in direct interaction with attendees, live in Dusseldorf.


The recipe for success of the three-day PSI Forum program includes learning directly from experts, exchanging experiences, and establishing new connections. This has become a permanent part of the leading promotional products trade fair in Europe. The professional training offerings aim to provide practical knowledge applicable in daily work.

High-Quality Training Sessions

"Qualified workforce shortage, unstable supply chains, and digitization – the challenges ahead are enormous. With a clear increase in interest in high-quality, tailored training, we have decided to focus on the international character of our PSI Forum program in 2024," says PSI Director Petra Lassahn, referring to current trends in the largest European promotional products network.

Educational Environment: Trade Fair and More

We are pleased to announce that almost half of the lectures taking place from January 9 to 11 will be conducted in English. This is in response to the fact that the 2023 trade fair in Düsseldorf hosted visitors from 75 countries worldwide. To facilitate the selection of relevant content, our exclusive lectures are divided into categories such as "Practical Knowledge" and "Sustainable Development." Additionally, informative mornings will feature prominent speakers from the first partner country of the PSI trade fair – the Netherlands.

Plan Your Training – These Lectures Are Already on the Agenda

Key events related to sustainable development include sessions like "Talking Supply Chain Transparency," "Hauptsache die Lieferkette stimmt" ("Everything is important, but the supply chain is crucial"), "Design, Material, Herkunft? Was Kunden an Nachhaltigkeit lieben" ("Design, Material, Origin? What customers love about sustainability"), and "Nachhaltigkeit in der DNA: Wie StartUps mit innovativen Produktideen die Werbeartikelwirtschaft beflügeln" ("Sustainability in the DNA: How Startups with innovative product ideas boost the promotional products industry").

Visitors will have the opportunity to gain practical knowledge on various fronts. Confirmed legal lectures include "Produktsicherheit im Jahr 2024: Für jedes Produkt vorgeschrieben und immer anders" ("Product Safety in 2024: Prescribed for every product and always different") and "Der Markt der Fakes: Wie sich Unternehmen vor Plagiaten und Markenrechtsverletzungen schützen" ("The Market of Fakes: How companies protect themselves from plagiarism and trademark infringements").

For Beginners and Experts: Topics Related to Technology, Best Cases, Practical Insights

In the realm of future topics in digitization at the PSI Forum, sessions include "Cyber Security for digital gadgets – How to secure upcoming rules and regulations for connected products and how they are affected by the new requirements," "Product Compliance im Online-Shop. Wie sich Online-Shop-Betreiber vor Abmahnungen von Wettbewerbern, Abmahnanwälten oder Marktüberwachungsbehörden schützen" ("Product Compliance in the Online Shop. How online shop operators protect themselves from warnings from competitors, lawyers, or market surveillance authorities"), and "KI verändert die Welt. Wie nutzt man Programme wie ChatGPT für die Themenfindung und Texterstellung" ("AI is changing the world. How to use programs like ChatGPT for topic selection and text creation").

Complementing the program will be presentations of practical knowledge through inspiring best case presentations (including the Greenkeeper concept of Eintracht Frankfurt) and the application of practical knowledge, such as "Veredelung von Werbeartikeln. Über die heutigen Möglichkeiten für die Werbeanbringung" ("Refinement of promotional items. About today's options for advertising").

The full PSI Forum program can be found at

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